Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Living in a rainforest climate

Well I would enjoy it a lot more due to the fact it's warm all of the time. I would also enjoy the fact that it would rain a lot not. I really am not a fan of rain, but it is better than snow... Also I would have some issues with all of the animals and other health issues that would arise living in that type of climate. Overall though it would be fun living in a rainforest climate. Also the tropical animals would be very nice to have around me!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Communist Nation Living

If I lived in a communist nation then all of our goods and such would go to the country not ourselves. We would all have jobs and 0% unemployment. At the same time though we would also have free services like healthcare,  education etc..... We would all be in pretty bad homes and conditions though... So all in all if we lived in a communist nation life would be hard!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

China Unit

I liked the China Unit it was fun! We didn't really go into a lot of detail about the other parts of china but it was good. I think all of it was interesting, and I'm looking forward to the next unit!

Monday, February 25, 2013


I want to see World War Z. I haven't read the book but the movie looks good based on the previews.  Also it has a lot of actors that I know in it. I am looking to forward to it! I am also looking forward to the hobbit as well. Me and a friend watched the first one so I want to see what happens next!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Most interesting thing....

I learned about Taipei 101 and that it's the 3rd largest building in the world! Also about 20% of the world's tea is made in Taiwan. Also they are formally known as the Republic of China, until they got kicked out of the mainland by the PRC.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I really don't think some sports should be deleted. Well maybe basketball, I mean it's mainly an american sport! Also I think we could maybe delete shooting or whatever it's called.... I think we should add lacrosse to it! Lacrosse is becoming a pretty big sport, not only in america but they do have a world cup of sorts of it. With countries from all over the world!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chinese Zodiac Calender

I'm a rat, so I'm intelligent, charming, ambitious, this all seems to fit me! Plus they are successful, so this fits me perfectly. I  am all of these things, I am smart, ambitious, and charming! Also I hope to be good at business slash money in the future.  I am also charming, and very nice to other people. I  believe this fits me perfectly!