Monday, January 28, 2013

Hinduism Compare/Contrast

Well in hinduism they have many different G-ds. From Brahma, Siva, etc... In comparison to Judaism they are alike in some ways.... For instance, Judaism believes in one supreme G-d, now in Judaism G-d has many different names. Adonai, Hashem, G-d these are all different names for one G-d. Now Hinduism believes in one spirit which is Brahman. Now Brahman is the creator of the universe. They have karma in Hinduism, which Judaism doesn't have...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Should country borders be detrained by religion?

I think they should, because they have their own ethnic and religious groups. Like in punjab where the majority of people are sick, they have there ow region. Also it would help with stability and revolt issues. They would't want independence if they got their own region.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Indias Population Problem

Well, once the population reaches 1.6 billion a lot of problems will arise. One is that there will be overpopulation in India.  People will have to build new houses, or take down new places to get more people in. Also food shortages will probably become more rampant. They will have to produce more food for the country. Also probably more sicknesses will happen because of the close proximity of people.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What I hope to learn about Asia?

I hope to learn more about the culture and people of Asia. Also the countries and capitols, even though I already know a lot about the countries.