Wednesday, February 27, 2013

China Unit

I liked the China Unit it was fun! We didn't really go into a lot of detail about the other parts of china but it was good. I think all of it was interesting, and I'm looking forward to the next unit!

Monday, February 25, 2013


I want to see World War Z. I haven't read the book but the movie looks good based on the previews.  Also it has a lot of actors that I know in it. I am looking to forward to it! I am also looking forward to the hobbit as well. Me and a friend watched the first one so I want to see what happens next!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Most interesting thing....

I learned about Taipei 101 and that it's the 3rd largest building in the world! Also about 20% of the world's tea is made in Taiwan. Also they are formally known as the Republic of China, until they got kicked out of the mainland by the PRC.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I really don't think some sports should be deleted. Well maybe basketball, I mean it's mainly an american sport! Also I think we could maybe delete shooting or whatever it's called.... I think we should add lacrosse to it! Lacrosse is becoming a pretty big sport, not only in america but they do have a world cup of sorts of it. With countries from all over the world!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chinese Zodiac Calender

I'm a rat, so I'm intelligent, charming, ambitious, this all seems to fit me! Plus they are successful, so this fits me perfectly. I  am all of these things, I am smart, ambitious, and charming! Also I hope to be good at business slash money in the future.  I am also charming, and very nice to other people. I  believe this fits me perfectly!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wha I know about china?

Well I know that they speak mandarin chinese, but many other regional varieties are spoken.  There is technically 2 chinas currently. One the peoples republic of China and the other one the Republic of China which is reduced to only Taiwan. They had a civil war so they broke up from 1 republic into 2 different ones.  They have been rule by emperors until 1901 I believe when the republic was established!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First Unit Overview

I thought the first unit was cool! I already now a lot about India so it was interesting to learn some new things about it! Plus I'm interested in other religions so the Hinduism part was neat.  It was overall a good course. Nothing really didn't work, but I didn't really like the Indian Culture project that much. It was a little impromptu. I found everything interesting. I hope we do something like this for SE Asia, or East Asia !

Monday, February 4, 2013

How has Facebook impacted the world

Facebook has changed the world  in a lot of ways. Like for one thing, it has linked people who lie far away or who would not have much contact, they would have contact. Also it lets people from all over remember there friends. Also a lot of people who invested in Facebook are pretty wealthy now as a part of that. This is why Facebook has impacted the world.